
Heavy Metal

Harmonie municipale Esch/Alzette
22.11.2024 + 23.11.2024

Gone are the long hair, the devilish tattoos and the raised horns. Make way for another form of heavy metal: the tuba. The largest instrument in the orchestra is in the spotlight in this latest concert by the Harmonie municipale d’Esch/Alzette. The Luxembourg Tuba Consortium, invited for the occasion, will showcase the sound, virtuosity and charm of this instrument, designed to blend in with the group, but which has not said its last word in the hands of a soloist. The small clarinet – one of the orchestra’s highest-pitched instruments – also makes an appearance in Adam Gorb’s Yiddish Dances.


  • Duration 2h
  • Place Théâtre
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €
  • Children Cat. 1 : 4,5 €
    Cat. 2 : 4 €


Solistes Michèle Neumann, Yves Schumacher, Philippe Schwartz Orchestre Luxembourg Tuba Consortium Crédit photo Luxembourg Tuba Consortium


Production Harmonie Municipale Esch/Alzette

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